internet surfing. . .basketball. . . billiards and arcade (KOF) especially Love, Passion n.. Lust. .
i HaVe a WiFe aLReaDy,AnD DaHtz mAh BaBy PaSaWaY! bUt iF yOu WaNnA bE Mah FrieNd yOur MoRe tHaN WeLcoMe tO aDd Me uP iN Mah MysPaCe!!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
LoVe soNgs.... n.. aCoustiC n Alternative
American Pie(lahat ng episode),Cruel Intension 123, at kahit ano
smaLLviLLe (thebest), sEx n.. d city. . . Crime Scene Investigation
K a ]v[ a - S u T r A
nung nakilala ko si tin at nUng dumating ung anak ko sa buhay ko