Let's be FRANK. Imagine young Australian women having access to an add-free, intelligent and thought provoking magazine that encourages critical thinking, creativity, empowerment and fun.There's currently not a lot on offer, most womens magazines spill over with diets, celebrities, stereotypes, and 'glossy' supermodel ads. And FRANKLY, we're over it.....
so we would like you to meet FRANK - FRANK Magazine - the 'wide awake' magazine for young women!
FRANK is a FREE magazine for young women and is currently run by volunteers. The magazine is published every two months by the FRANK team.
At the moment FRANK is distributed by email and the internet at:
http://www.frankteam.com.au /
http://www.frankteam.com.au/frankmag/All subscriptions are FREE! FRANK magazine however, eventually be a print magazine with distribution Australia- wide.
contribute to FRANK.
If you'd like to get an article or your photography published in FRANK, here's some guidelines...
ARTICLES - the length of your submission will depend on which section of FRANK you want to contribute to. For example, a CD/book/website review maybe 50 words, and a feature article could be around 500 words.
PHOTOGRAPHY - if you're sending in photography - which we need for FRANK's cover, to run with articles, or as a feature on it's own - it's best to send digital images that are 300 dpi saved as a jpeg. We're interested in photos of…you & your friends, great chicks, anything from the world around you, the environment, anything arty, etc!!
OTHER INFO - FRANK will give you a by-line, which is your name at the beginning or the end of your published submission. FRANK reserves the right to edit all submissions. FRANK retains reprint and editing rights to contributions, but contributors retain all other rights for resale and republication. FRANK can't return any material submitted.
To submit your photos or an article email Jenna at: [email protected] or post it to: FRANK - Suite 5, 35 Hume Street, Crows Nest NSW 2065 Australia