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About Me

ahM siMpLe yEt sOphiStiCatEd,.. "aTtAcHeD" bUt siNgLe,.. hApPy yet dUbiOus a mUsiCiaN thOugH nOt a pErfOrmEr,.. aN atHlete whO's tErRifiEd tO cOmpEte a pHiLosOphEr wId nO aSpiRatiOns,.. a cOmEntAtOr w/O a dEcisIvE fActOr,.. aN eNthUsiAst oVeR sUpEriOrS,.. i fOrgiVe bUt nEvEr 4Get i lOve mAh fAmLy nD fRieNds........... bEliVes iN gOd........... cAreS mOre aBoUt aNimAls rAthEr tHaN peOple......... vEry diSorGaniZed pErsOn........ stUbOrN bUt gUlibLe............ eVen thOugH ahM 16 i stiLl wAtcH cArtoOns hIhI,.. ;)..... i lIkE sOft stUfF......... i prEfer sOur oVer sWeEt......... wAtEr OvEr cOlA........ dAy Over niGht.......... cOmiC oVer hOrRoR......... puRpLe oVer piNk........... fOod oVer cOsMetiCs........... mAgAziNes OveR bOokS............. sHoPpiNg OveR aNythIng eLse,..hehe......... fRieNds OveR uHmm bf's sPoRts Over dRiNkiNg Or sMokiNg cOlD OveR hOt sPorts OveR sTrOlLiNg aNd... i loVe mySelf hehe iLoVe mAh

My Interests

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uM peOpL thAt r fUn 2 haNg wiD aNd peOpL whO r