My wife and 3 kids,knives and knife making or all things sharp, survival & bushcraft, Mixed Martial Arts,Solar and alternative energy, Fantasy and SciFi art,tattoos,Pre history civilizations(yes I belive in Atlantis;)I also like nude and pinup art as well as surrealism. And next week something new will pop up. Currently doing the Boy Scout thing with my oldest son, they dont raise theirselves you know.
Buried at
Buried at
Buried at
There is a whole slew of people I'd like to meet, artist of any medium, knife makers,authors,military leaders, personal heros,very few athletes or celebrities, no polticians however (its that B.O.H.I.C.A. relfex). But for the most part people of like interests will do for now. Also prefer people that can hold their own in an intelligent conversation.
Fallen Sword avtars in my picture folder
blood,bombs,boobs,and aliens even better if its animated an has a good sound track and the occasional kids movie
Mostly SciFi,History Channel,The Military Channel,The Science Channel, A whole bunch of different programs and movies. I dont care for reality based shows My RCA wont pick up American Idiot, Dancing with hasbeens or sports, No makeover shows except Extreme Home Makeover now those guys rock.
I have read all of Frank Herbert,Isaac Asinov,Edgar Rice Burroughs,Ursula K. Le Guin, Robert Heinlem,L Ron Hubbard and Anne McCaffery.Most of Piers Anthony,Stephen King,Terry Brooks,Harry Turtledove,Neil Gaiman,Andre Norton ,H.P. Lovecraft ,Kate Elliott ,C.J. Cherryh, Robert Jordan, Laurell K. Hamilton , and Clive Barker. The unabridged classics like Dracula, The Odyssey, Lord of the Rings,Grendel etc.Not including comics and periodicals I put over 500 Scifi,fantasy,horror,historical(no romances)western,and who knows what else in storage cause I ran out of room to put them all