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√∆çøß ©Ω®® ∑U∫¡©

Chicknunee, and a Punch in the Face

About Me

hello this is jacob. i try to make good music, and this is what comes out- i compare myself and my music making, to a claustrophobic horse trying to get out of an elevator filled with rare chinese vases and statues and pretty much anything breakable (thats my point)- i may accomplish the escape, but who knows what kind of damage ive done...? ok i just read that to myself, and it only halfway made sense... sorry

Need more Jacob? Check out his other music myspaces. www.myspace.com/jacobcarrmusic2 and /jacobcarrmusic3!

myself and my brother ben star in the newest extreme sport video ever seen- i cant wait for this to make the winter olympics- i better get some o’ dat revenue-sorry if u dont like norma jean...:(

this is a moon dance- rough draft MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


Member Since: 9/10/2006
Band Website: myspace.com/jacobcarrmusic2
Band Members: just me
here r me and the moondance gang
Influences: God and Jesus and some angels too im sureand i cant come close to this, but its amazingand this beautiful girl----- she's the bestbest video ever
Sounds Like: Nothing you've ever heard
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

bathroom wall writings

dumbmore to come soon...
Posted by çøß ©©®® U+¡© on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 04:38:00 PST

the miami tour

im in miamii call it the jacob carr miami tourim not actually scheduled to play anywhere, but im determined to steal a show or twoive got these options--- B-E-T SPRING BLING... im gonna hook up with ...
Posted by çøß ©©®® U+¡© on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:51:00 PST

music video??? pre-video pic samples

hey im workin on my first video ever! u prolly dont know the song since it is new, but here r some pics kinda previewing a little of what itll be like- yeah thats a ninja dude im fighting there- keep ...
Posted by çøß ©©®® U+¡© on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:33:00 PST

jacob carr's first comic book ever!

Jacob Carr and the Evil Green Laser Tree.rare issue...and sorry its kinda hard to c...
Posted by çøß ©©®® U+¡© on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 04:27:00 PST