I'm like yo, Just RELAX profile picture

I'm like yo, Just RELAX

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Aye, What up it’s ur boy Akeem Diondre’ Natell “Nashyem” (Ny-Sheem) Jackson. I kno… But my fam just calls me “Tell”. Known 2 y’all as the Gorjus Gangsta. a.k.a. Ur gurl’s fantasy, Pookie, Mighty Mouse, 4play, and a bang of otha ishh… I was born in “Bed-Stuy” Brooklyn N.Y. "80's baby". I moved 2 V.A. when I was young, from there, a spot called Raeford “Buck-Town” NC. I now attend NCCU (Respect the Eagle) Ima str8 4ward cat, out-spoken, I have a lot of goals dat i plan 2 reach... ima str8 clown- but also very serious. don't put nothin above tha people i love. if u in my circle i got u. no ?'s. otha than dat, if u wanna know somethin hit me up.

My Interests

music, boxing, shopping (gotta keep up the swagg) b-ball, foot ball, art, rap, track, dancing, chillin with the fam, movies and otha ishh..

I'd like to meet:

A REAL WOMAN Smart, Beautiful, Funny, Loving, Down 2 Earth, Talented, Goal Oriented, a chick that accepts me for who i am and don't try to make me into somebody im not, somebody as fly as i am. lol, confident, cocky, and know's who she is, someone i wouldn't mind waking up to everyday. Someone who knows how to take the good with the bad. someone who knows how to go and get it instead of waiting for someone else to do so all the time. a lady who knows how to please her man. somebody wit dat Hypno. lol. if u don't know by now, i suggest u ask around.... holla atcha boi. 1 I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics


Rap,R&B,Gospel,Jazz,Hip-Hop... i jus luv music.


Cat in the hat/ all Dr. Seuss(long story) anything that has to deal with psychology, sociology, you know- that deep thought, mind expansion type ishh. Catcher in the rye, Knight, i also like source, vibe, king, smooth, blackman mag,


GOD, My Fam, (mommy, pops, brotha, sista...) i get inspired by anything and anyone.

My Blog

2 my unborn child

The Letter to My Unborn Child.Dear Child, I just want you to know that I plan to be here for you through it all. From start to finish. I plan to provide a good life for you. A better life than I have ...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 12:55:00 PST

someone that interest me

Someone Who Interest Me..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />      During my short period of time that I've been here on earth; I've been blesse...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:41:00 PST

light skin nigga with braids

ladies. what happened to your standards?now-a-days yall just givin' yall shit away.niggas. what the fuck is wrong with yall self esteem?you can't wait to look like somebody else, just so you can get ...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 09:14:00 PST

what he has/ conversation with myself

first we agree to break up. now everyday i wake up,wondering if today marks the day that we make up.reality is, he has what i had.the future plans that we made are apart of the past.a lil jealous at f...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:13:00 PST


Alone. Lonely. Lonsome.My past, present and potential future.In every aspect. Didn't expect it from all three.Friends, Relationships, Family.Abandoned. Left out. Came through on many favors in their t...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:10:00 PST

Is It The Way...

Is it your face that holds the equivalent of an angel? Your full lips that births kisses so sweet. As if rivers of honey pour like waterfalls when u part them. Is it the sight of the silouhette of&nbs...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:56:00 PST

Teach Me 2 Love

Love me without fear. Trust me without wondering. Love me without restrictions. Want me without demand. Remember nobody is perfect. Don't try to change me too much. Accept me how I am.  Can your...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 07:27:00 PST


how dare you? what's really going through you head. just because your heart has turned cold, doesn't mean that you have to be the reason why the temperature of his drops a few degrees. home boy is a&n...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 08:26:00 PST

I am, u are, we are, 1

i am, u are, we are, one its getting to the point where i can't say i anymore... its because of you that we is the most important word in my vocabulary. 1+1 is not so simple now. without you, i wasn't...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:29:00 PST

Thinking About You

listen... i can't take this anymore... i gotta let you know that i got feelings for you... i see you around just about everyday.... my niggas say they see you in the mall alot... i went up ...
Posted by I'm like yo, Just RELAX on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 04:05:00 PST