I Am Margaret...that pic over there is 30 years old.~~~~~~~Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there. E.Cayce~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Opal is for elimination of fear or the denial of one's Divine calling. All of the superstition surrounding opals throughout the ages has been for good reason. They are indicative of the heavy influence the stone has with regard to the area of self-actualization. The elimination of fear and hesitancy to be at our optimal level of existance is the domain of the opal.~~~~~~Just as we have experienced delegation of authority and its abuses on the earth-plane, so now we are obtaining control and usage of our individual cosmic authorities. Whenever there is motion in the universe, whether it be light, thought, or body, that force is the force of creation. It becomes the leading edge, so to speak. This position is the guidance system. Opal represents the concious decision to go to the God-conciousness in each one.~~~~~~~Seeing one's pure potential has awed, fatefully at times, some of the greatest leadership to date. Many have burrowed away and hidden from the miracle they saw in themselves and the daring to dream such dreams of heavenly concious existance. However, the current generations will bring this miracle in. The influence of opal is the remedy for all peoples who are seeking to offer themselves in service to the spirit of well-being, and were afraid to ask."~~~~~
from Rock-Medicine Sela Randazzo
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