Jo§ie profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

..Lifehouse Everything dramaMy church did this drama and it was awesome. please watch with an open mind and heart!I am a single Christian woman who lives in the Pittsburgh area. I love music and love to go to the beach when I can. I have a 16 year old niece and 2 nephews ages 3 and 9 who mean the world to me. They are my life.I work with mentally challenged adults full time and have for about 15 years or so. It is challenging and rewarding.I also am very involved in my church. I am a born again Christian.I work with preschoolers on sunday before services, and love it.. i am definitely a kid person and always have been. These kids are so smart and adorable. I also just joined a bible study through the church and have already met some very nice people and I am excited about that!I just started working on Wednesdays at Hilltop in the AWANA ministry, working with the preschoolers. My nephew Mikey is in it, and it should be fun!I am finding so many people here that I never in a million years thought I would ever see or speak to again, so I am glad I joined here! I am also making a lot of new friends!
Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is high.
You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.
And in return, you expect the same from who you love.
Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.
Experience Level:
Your experience level is medium.
You probably have had a couple significant loves.
And you may have even had your heart broken.
But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people.
Your dominance is low.
This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.
You know a relationship is not about getting your way.
And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.
Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.
Your independence is high.
You don't need to be in love, and sometimes you don't even want love.
Having your own life is very important for you...
Even more important than having a relationship. The Five Variable Love TestThis is so true about me!!
Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me by onmyown2723
Height:: 5'5
Weight:: I aint telling!
Right or left-handed:: right
Heritage:: lithiuanian, irish german
Are you in love?:: hecks no
How do you alleviate stress?:: music
Do you swear?:: not as much as I used to! I actually try not to swear now..
If you could have any job, what would it be?:: anything to do with kids
What are your favorite sports to watch?:: none
What was your first car?:: plymouth horizon. it costs me 5.00 to fill up. thats 5.00!!!
What kind of car do you have now?:: pontiac vibe and it costs much more than 5.00 to fill
Were you popular in high school?:: no
Do you like thunderstorms?:: no, why would i? Trees fall on my car during them!
Is the glass half empty or half full?:: who cares
Best places you have ever been?:: sandbridge va
Favorite food?:: italian
Least favorite food?:: onion
What type of music do you dislike most?:: elevator
Do you take illegal drugs?:: no
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: yes
If you're not in love now, have you ever been?:: yes once
Are you a risk taker?:: no
What do you think about most?:: my favorite kids
Ever cheated on a b/f or g/f? Be honest!:: no
Have you ever been to jail?:: no though once i was locked in a mini jail, just for fun. it smelled of pee.
Do you wear contacts or glasses?:: both
Hugs or kisses?:: both
Living arrangements?:: mom and bro
What is your bedtime?:: 11-12
Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?:: i'm a chick
Piercings/tattoos?:: one tattoo on my ankle
Biggest pet peeve?:: people who constantly talk on their stupid cells
I have low tolerance for people who:: see above
Do you sleep with the T.V. on?:: no
Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom?:: no
Can you handle the truth?:: yes
Hair color?:: brown, auburn
What are you afraid of?:: bears (don't ask)
Will you have sex with any pretty little thing or does it actually mean something?:: again, I am a chick and what a sexist ?
Friend you've had the longest?:: Kim w
Early bird or night owl?:: early bird, really neither but if i had to pick
Best advice you've ever received?::
Favorite quote?::
Favorite type of music?:: Christian and rock
Biggest weakness?:: kids
Biggest fear?:: don't really have one
Are you close to your parents?:: yes
Any brothers or sisters?:: yes
Have a religion?:: yes
Views on politics?:: not
Worst habits?:: biting nails
What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?:: travel
Where do you picture yourself in five years?:: dunno hopefully healthier
Are you laid back or high strung?:: laid back
Do you like to try new things?:: yes
Is family important to you?:: very
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:: optimistic with a touch of pessimism
Have you ever been engaged?:: yes once
Favorite places you've been?:: beaches
Are you a procrastinator?:: yes
Fly or drive?:: fly
Favorite pasttime?:: computer time
Longest relationship?:: 4 years
Biggest mistake?:: see above
Craziest thing you've ever done?:: vandalized my cousin's exes car.. how rude~
Like to party?:: not anymore
Drink a lot (of alcohol)?:: no
Set your own path or follow the crowd?:: both?
Like kids?:: very much
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?:: whatever
Body type?:: whatever
Personality?:: outgoing, funny
Style of clothing?:: whatever
Do they have to be popular?:: no
Turn-on?:: eyes, confidence
Long hair or short?:: long is preferred but not a requirement
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- Myspace CommentsGod loves you and wants you to spend eternity in heaven with Him. Make the decision today to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior. Here's how simple it is.1. Come to Him just as you are (don't wait until you feel "good enough") 2. Admit your need (I am a sinner) 3. Be willing to turn from your sins (repent) 4. Believe in your heart and mind that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross for you and was raised back to life (accept Him as the only way to God) 5. Talk to Jesus and invite Him to come into your heart and life and save you from your sins (receive Him as personal Savior)Here's what to pray:"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am sinful and in need of Your forgiveness. I repent of my sinful lifestyle and I want to turn from it and follow You. I believe that You died to pay the penalty for my sins and that You rose from the grave. I invite You to come into my heart and become my Lord and Savior. I ask this in Your name. Amen."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cool people who have some of the same interests. Anyone from the early 90's who hung out at Someplace Else, Rascals, Monico's or any of the clubs we used to see bands: Triple X, Ashes To Ashes,Dr. No, Truth N Soul, Stilletto.Anyone from church!

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