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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

knock knock - Feel Good Productions - Regia e realizzazione - Enzo Mastrangelo
I like travel and discover architecture around the world, go at arts exibitions, concerts, have fun with friends and meet people all around the world

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

_hattory hanzo _olafur elliason _richard serra _mark rothko _bruno zevi _igmar bergman _antoni gaudì _carlo mollino_tolkien

lina wertmuller
Vacation Rental | Minneapolis Real Estate | mp3 songs

My Blog


CIVITASCivitas is a poplulation: 194 tiles forged on from 2th to 4th of July 2008Material: clayDimension: 17x17 cm (each tile)All the tiles are foreged in a different way. Them will be disposed on a s...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 12:08:00 GMT

Saper arrivare secondi - progetti di parchi urbani - Stradella (PV)

Concorso di porgettazione di idee di Architettura, VALORIZZAZIONE DI AMBITI A VERDE PUBBLICO - Stradella (PV) - siamo i 2° CLASSIFICATI http://www.europaconcorsi.com/db/rec/concorso.php?id=12826&l ingu...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 18:21:00 GMT

architecture not concreting - Architettura non cementificazione

It’s does ecxist "beauty" contemporary architecture.The mere fact that we are surrounded by bad housing (rightly perceived as mere concreting!) it doesn’t legitimate the opposition which i...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 16:27:00 GMT


The architecture that i'm interest it's only one: The architecture. Architecture isn't the project! Talk or write about architecture is a pradox, it can't be "described" or "explained" like arts. Pai...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 00:09:00 GMT