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About Me

So, this is the box where I talk rubbish and blow my own trumpet (don't you need a rib removed for that?). Well then, I'm Josh, 20, living in Manchester and working for the socialist youth group Revolution ( I live with students, which is quite nice cos they've still got quirks but bad cos... well... students, innit? Like most things I write no planning has gone into this. And like most shit things I write I've done it cos a friend asked me to. Maybe the best way to fill in this box and end this whole sorry ordeal is to go through all the rubbish thats on my desk so as you can get a better view of me through the stuff thats around me. So, from left to right we have:1) A copy of "In Defence of Marxism" by Trotsky - any left trainspotters reading will be able to guess why quite quickly.2) My phone.3) A leaflet about the impending rapture that a friend of mine got when she went to New York, its got some very useful tips on how to avoid being given the mark of Satan.4) Two empty Snapple bottles - best drink in the world.5) A copy of Albert Camus's "The Plague" which I'm not very far through but which is very good.6) One of those big Toblerones with a couple of triangles of chocolate taken off.7) A copy of a magazine called "edge" - not to be confused with the computer games magazine of the same name, I found this on the tube when I was in London one time and picked it up and kept it cos its quite funny. Its a magazine for millionaires and has the front page headline "To Have and Keep More" which made me giggle.8) A CD player tuned to Manchester XFM (which is often quite good).9) A copy of Chris Harman's "The Lost Revolution" about the revolutionary upheavals in Germany in the early 1920s. Its quite good cos there's not much written on the subject and it has a good overview, but its a pity the author didn't learn the political lessons of the time.10) a couple of plates, some pens, drawing pins, coins, dead batteries.So, there you have it. My desk. Bet you're glad you read all that now.This blurb would probably have been better if i'd have gone all myspacey and imagined it as some kind of window to the angsty soul. Meh, too late to change it now...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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My Blog

UNEDITED Revo article - So, what's wrong with the Labout Party? - written in September 2006

This article is for the next issue of the magazine REVOLUTION its not edited so is probably quite badly phrased in lots of places there was a lot to talk about and its over the word count as it is so ...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 14:03:00 GMT

Slipping further into myspace hell...

I hate myspace.If you'd have spoken to me a week ago (before I had one) this would've been obvious to you. Speak to me in a week (when I've got bored of it) and it'll be obvious again. Speak to me now...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:50:00 GMT