Incest (is on its way out) profile picture

Incest (is on its way out)

About Me

One part experiment, one part attitude, one part humor, and all parts awesome, we are here to tear shit up with a crazy incestual orgy of rock subgenres! We deal in extremity and specialize in, but are not limited to, various forms of Metal, Punk, and Hardcore. Incest is not for the narrow-minded, the humorless, or the weak-stomached, but if none of those apply to you then you might enjoy our unique, diverse, and quirky sound.
Incest is a band with character, and one hell of a live show. Just ask the Incestuals who did the Wall of Death for Stone the Harlots the first time it was played live, only to stop, confused, and break into dance for the jazzy latin-funk section. We're a bunch of wise asses who love to shock and offend, and our name, logo, and music fulfill that purpose. We just love to fuck with people and push the envelope, either dig it or don't.
Incest has been told plenty of times to stick to one style, or refrain from playing a particular style and/or styles...well, sorry (but not really)!! We are not here to please you and your scene ideologies...but we do hope you have a good time! Here in the Incest camp its a family affair, and everyone is welcome, but if you don't like it, we're still gonna party.
For a while, various lineup changes, personal conflicts, and schedule conflicts had kept Incest from doing shows but it survived everything, and the first legitimate show was finally played on December 12th, 2008!
Since the beginning back in January of '07, Incest's diverse sound has consisted of 3 basics, the creative backbone of riffs provided by Andrew, Cris's powerhouse drumming, and Stefan's ability to deliver a variety of vocal styles in one sitting. The addition of Noah adds a taste of blastyness and creative rhythmic chaos that is essentially unique to him as a guitarist. Whether we're doing nu metal, melodic punk, grindcore, or any other style that might make its way in, these essential qualities tie the Incest songs together, and define them as Incest.
The lineup of Stefan, Andrew, Cris, and Noah is seen as the first "official" lineup, as it was the lineup that played at the first show, but past contributions of preliminary members; Mike Cullen, Derek Somers, Jon Kreiter, Jack Bailin, and David Hauss are not forgotten.
Incest features former members of So I Died, An Innocent Conviction, Aequitas a Noctem, and Struggle For Existence...and current members of Cryptic Prophecy, True Vengeance, Unfortunately, No?, and Shattered Revelation.
We are also down to jam with anyone who feels they can add to our sound on any instrument, and if it sounds good, we'll use it.
"killer riffs keep up the good work" -40 Below Summer
List of our songs (in chronological order):
Aside From That Jackie Did You Enjoy Dallas
Besides That Mrs Lincoln How Was The Play
Living Is Bad For The Environment
Flaming Wings Of Crimson Death
Rock Paper Scissors
The Pear Of Anguish
Stone The Harlots
The Abortion Song
Beating Up Old People
Signed bands we have opened for:

Conqueror (Seventh Dagger Records)
She Is A Liar (Hunt Records)
War (Seventh Dagger Records)
Within The Ruins (Victory Records)

My Interests


Member Since: 10/09/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: The Lord Stefan Emil Johansson - Vocals

Andrew "Tormentor" Manuele - Lead Guitar

Noah "(sic)ko" Rosenfeld - Spastic Beef Guitar

Cris "Deathcrush" Leiva - Drums
Influences: My left nut aches much more than my right because it is positioned differently.
Sounds Like: INCEST Q&A:

(sic)ko further summing up our sound:

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

INCEST'S BREAKUP - Andrew's Perspective

Incest was never meant to be a full-time band. I had formed it with Stefan back in 2007 as an outlet for ideas that would not work with the sound of Cryptic Prophecy, then called Noxx, which has alway...
Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 13:45:00 GMT

INCEST'S BREAKUP - Stefan's Perspective

For the past few days Andrew and I had been posting bulletins on how the band was done and we were unsure on what was going on. We weren't gonna post a blog about it until we fully knew but I think it...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 10:10:00 GMT

our first REAL show

on behalf of the entire band, I would like to say thank you so much for everyone who came out to support us and the rest of the bands, and especially to those who stuck around late to watch usthis ban...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 18:03:00 GMT