Quan profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi everyone my name is Quan and I am a student at Cal State University of Fullerton studying Kinesiology to hopefully become a successful sports therapist (preferably for a professional sports team like the Yankees), a physician assistant, or nurse. I am eager to try new things and do things many are to scared to do. I treat every experience as a chance to learn something knew or meet someone interesting. I LOVE MY FRIENDS DEARLY, THAT IS WHY MY PROFILE PICS ARE NOTHING BUT PICTURES OF MY FRIENDS. I WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW I HAVE THE BESTEST FRIENDS EVER! Other than that I am honestly pretty boring, I either work, study, or work out. And that's pretty much it!

My Interests

I am like a 5 year old kid, a card board box can interest me. So pretty much anything like the New York Yankees, cool kicks, fresh gear, and cool WHIP's...and girls with big, phat, nice booty's. Oooohhh...yummy...

I'd like to meet:

Anybody and everybody. I love meeting unique people that others would think I would never talk to. I treat every encounter as learning experience and an opportunity to make a new freind. I apprecitate honesty and matureity (did I spell that right?). (Be shady to me and I will make your life miserable, just ask the people I work with at the Cheesecake Factory of Doom). I value down to earth and sweet people. I think all religion is beautiful, as in a matter of fact all of you out there is beautiful! Gay, bi, black, brown, purple, and even bad tippers I love you all. We all inhabit this earth together so we might as well all get along! :)


I am open to anything musically. I like anyone from 50 cent to Madonna. I also like NWA, 2-Pac, Eminem, Dr.Dre, old school, newschool, any school rap/hip-hop. Elvis, the Beatles, and Temptations are all old-school favs. I like Tim McGraw and some country. I think Dierks Bently is the ulitmate perfromer right now, his slow song gets to me so much. I'm a sentimeantal old-coot, what can I say? I also like Coldplay, U2, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers and even old school rock like Guns N Roses. I even listen to soundtracks like the soundtrack to Cars and Take the Lead...With music, I am an open book...


300 IS THE BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN! But Forest Gump is still my fav all time! The Departed, Goodfellas, The God Father saga. Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, and comic book related movies. I am a huge comic book geek. I can't handle horror flicks, I hate scary movies! I am usually more scared than my dates when we go see a horroe movie! I also can't stand cheesy sport movies like 61* or Rudy, only becuase they make me cry. Otherwise I will watch anything that is hyped up on T.V. or whatever is recommended by my friends...


SPORTCENTER!!! The best thing ever invented!!! Anything on ESPN or related to sports!!! GO YANKEES!!! Law and Order SVU is like the best show ever, love Marishka Hargitay and the rest of the cast. I hate reality T.V and everything on MTV, My Sweet 16 is like the stupidest show ever. I honestly think people get more and more stupid after having watched anything on MTV and Paris Hilton Movies (yuk). The Foodnetwork, History Channel, National Geographic, Style, and TLC/Discovery Channel have some ont the most intellectually stimulating programming I have ever watched. Datelines How To Catch A Predator is creepy but those guys are out there...


I'm a comic book geek, do I really need to say anything else? Check out Jepd Loebs Batman:The Long Holloween and Sweet November. Along with Superman: For All Seasons, SPider-Man:Blue, along with Daredevil:Yellow. All wtih the noir inking of Tim Sale. Grant Morrison's Transmepolitan, We3, New X-Men (with art by Czech star Igor Kordey), 52, and Animal Man from the 1980's. Also his All-Star Superman with Frank Quietly is absolutley stunning. Mark Millars Marvel: CivIl War with Steven McNiven (absolutley revolutinary) and Ulitmates with Bryan Hitch (by far the best suff I have ever read). Brain bendis's Powers, Daredevil, and his Avengers books with Alex Maleev, Frank Cho, and Leinil Francis Yu are profondly deep. Oh, forgot to mention Micheal Avon Oemings Bullet Proof Monk and Hammer of the Gods. Brad Metzler's Justice League, Geoff Johns Jusitce Society and Identity Crisis, and everything Alex Ross touches. Alan Moore's Watchmen, Promethea, and The Adventures of Tom Strong are entertaining. Can't forget about The Authority by Garth Ennis or Warren Ellis' Punisher. Tim Bradstreets is stunning in thier collaberations. Jason Pearsons Body Bags, Mike Mignola's Hellboy series, and Franks Chos solo work in Liberty Meadows are also favorites of mine. There is also Kevins Smiths Archer's Quest and The Quiver. Jodi Pocult, Ed Brubaker, and Alan Heinberg are also growing on me...


First, Marishka Hargitay and Oprah (don't even say it, I just think strong women are sexy [and sadly, rare]). Derek Jeter, Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Alex Rodgriguex, Albert Pujols, Jerry Rice, Micheal Irvin, Gary Sheffield and basically any other Yankee I forgot to metion. Muhammid Ali is so inspirational. Bruce Lee so inspirational. Also "Ah-nold" Schwarzzenegger and my Mom. It's corny but its true (I'm not a Momma's boy). I find inspiration in everyone, from Princess Diana to Pat Tillman. I know it is a harsh world out there with lame celebs and punk athletes but there really are some good people out there...they just need to pop up more often...Also every blue collar worker working a dozen minimum wage jobs to support their families, every rape victum, and everyone living with disabilities. Your strength is the stuff of legend and you are what inspire us..