learning, existing, zebra cakes, reading, getting better.
Good people, with loyal hearts, readers, and dreamers. Those who like to create, make, and exist. Definately not cool people. I do not fit in there. People with thick skin and delicate hearts. Friends.
possum dixon might be the best band ever ...the jealous sound/knapsack, bayside, smoking popes, ryan adams, teenage head, samiam, weakerthans, amy winehouse,tegan and sara, coco rosie, azure ray, grade, ellott smith....
of human bondage, Amelie, wes anderson movies, old movies, horror movies, tale of two sisters, La Antena, science of sleep, the naked civil servant, the elephant man
mr. show, strangers with candy, arrested development, flight of the conchords!
david sedaris, herman hesse, chuck klosterman, augusten burroughs, carlos castaneda,w. somerset maugham.
rob zebrecky, mommy