.::*I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM! WOW 1 YEAR BABY*::. profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me


My Interests

*~*Your Icons*~* by LiLSinGeR687
For Sunday,
For Monday,
For Tuesday,
For Wednesday,
For Thursday,
For Friday,
For Saturday,
For your birthday,
For your wedding day,
For yourself,
For fun,

Your Kisses Are Spicy and Wild
Your kisses are powerful stuff. They'll start a fire in almost anyone you kiss.
You kiss with passion, skill, and endurance. Anyone who kisses you is in for a long, intense ride.
You better watch out though. Your incredible kisses are likely to get you in trouble! How Hot Are Your Kisses?
You Are a Lace Bra!
Dreamy, romantic, and ultra-feminine
You're a womanly woman who makes guys feel like men
Your perfect guy is strong, determined, and handsome
With a softer side that only you can draw out What Kind of Bra Are You?
You make me smile because... by xLiL PreP1x
Your Laugh .... Is music to my ears
Your Smile ... Rocks my world
Your eyes ... Are Deep like the ocean
Your scent is.... Sweet
Your lips are... Perfect
Your hair .... Is a goregous color
Your friendship .... Is Supporting
Your hug ... Is warm
Your kiss ... Always makes me ask for more
Your love .... Inspiring
You ..... are the best
!! All About Me !!
... The Start ...
Name:: Emma Smith
Middle:: Kate
Nicknames:: power puff, bettercup, and tweety
Birthday:: 12/30/91
Birthplace:: Oregon
Age:: 15
Current Town:: Milwaukie
Siblings:: 1 sister
Male / Female:: Female
~ Appearence ~
Eye color:: Blue
Hair color:: Blonde
Hair lenght:: long
Height:: 5'3
Tattoos:: none
Peircings:: ears
.:.: Can You..:.:
Sing well:: yeah
Play an instrument:: yeah
Write well:: yeah
Say alphabet backwords:: nope
Snow Board:: ok
Juggle:: a little
Do a split:: yeah
Draw:: kind of
Braid:: yeah
Dance:: o yeah love it
Speak another language:: yeah 2
~ * ~ All Time Favorite ~ * ~
Food:: to many
Song:: Dont matter by Akon
Animal:: cats, dogs, and horses
T.v Show:: America's next top model
Movie:: idk to many
Sport:: Dance
Book:: idk
Food:: to many
Snack:: anything sweet
Drink:: to many
Cartoon:: tinkerbell
Store:: a&f, hollister, aeropostale, and victoria's secret
Website:: Hotmail,youtube, and myspace
Candy:: way to many
Car:: A light blue bug
Ice Cream:: to many
Resturant:: to many
Fast food:: idk im more of a healthy person

Vegetarians:: cool
Animal testing:: dont like it
Sex before marriage:: depends
Homosexual relationships:: fine with me
Illegal Immagrants:: ok
Racism:: hate it
Abortion:: depends
Cancer:: so hate it
Freedom of speech:: really good
Porn:: GROSS!!
Ghost:: scary
Miracles:: i believe in them
Cosmetic Surgery:: depends
Witches:: cool

Single or Dating right now:: Dating
What was your longest relationship:: 7 months
Have you broken someones heart:: yeah 2 many
Have you been in love:: right now im in love
Wanted someone you knew you couldnt have:: nope
Who makes you laugh the most:: all my friends
Who makes you smile:: Dylan
Who has a crush on you:: 2 many guys
Have you made out with just a friend:: yeah
Have you had sex with just a friend:: nope
Have you been rejected:: nope
Have you cheated on someone:: nope
Have you benn called a tease:: yeah but in a good way
Are you a virgin:: yeah
Who was your first kiss:: idk
Who was your fist love:: Dylan
What is your definition of love:: when you have a strong feelings 4 someone that you have never felt be4
Most importantly who do you love:: Dylan Livingston
*.*.* This / That *.*.*

Pepsi / coke:: both
Silk/ Lace:: both
Bath / shower:: both
Radio/ cd: both
Kiss / Hug:: depends
Snow / rain:: snow
Day/ night:: day
Dogs/ cats:: both
Wal- mart/target:: nither
Chocolate/vanilla:: both
Fruits/vegetables:: Fruits
Reading/ writting:: both
Alcohol/weed: both are gross
??? Have You Ever...???
Died your hair:: yeah
Done drugs:: nope
Smoked a cigarette:: nope
Gotten drunk:: nope
Had sex:: nope
Skinny dipped:: yeah
Kissed someone of the same sex:: on the check
Broken a bone:: nope
Had chicken pox:: yeah when i was little
Cried for no reason:: yeah
Dirty danced:: o yeah
Fallen out of a window:: nope
Been to a dance:: yeah
Saw a ghost:: yeah
Scuba Dived:: yeah
Been to a haunted house:: yeah
Been to the top of a mountain:: nope
Almost been killed:: yeah
Almost killed someone:: nope
Said "fuck u" to a parent:: nope
Been slapped on the ass but not by a parent:: yeah 2 many times
Ran away from home:: nope
Got into a fight:: yeah
Stolen anything:: nope
Skipped school:: nope
Cried in school:: yeah
Pictured your crush naked:: yeah
Done something embarrasing:: yeah
Talked crap:: not all the time
Told someone you loved them:: yeah
!!!!.. Future..!!!
Want to get married:: yeah
Want to have kids:: yeah a least 2
Occupation:: idk yet
Where do you want to live:: idk but some place warm
Big or small house:: big
Kind of cars:: sports cars
How much income:: idk but a lot
Do you want to live near people:: yeah
/// Last Person You ///
Touched:: my sister
Hugged:: my sister
Talked to:: Dylan
Went shopping with:: my mom
IMed you:: phillip
Talked to on the phone:: Dylan
Kissed:: Dylan:)
Told you they loved you:: Dylan
Broke your heart:: no one yet
Yelled at:: idk remember
Made you cry:: idk remember
...! Do You / Are You !...: :)
Have bad habbits:: nope
Hate yourself:: nope
Shy:: nope
Aggressive:: a little
Passive:: sometimes
Read the newspaper:: sometimes
Cofident:: yeah
Nice:: yeah
Attractive:: o yeah
Understanding:: yeah
Spoiled:: just a little
Annoying:: just a little
Picky:: kind of
Smart:: yeah
Dumb:: just a little
Belive in God:: yeah
Burp a lot:: not really
Talk a lot:: Dylan
Lie a lot:: no
Shower daily:: yeah
Clean your room:: yeah
???? Random ????
What is your good luck charm:: my boyfriend
Do you have a stalker:: yeah
Are you a stalker:: nope
Do you like being alone:: not really
What was the best thing that has happened:: the day i started going out with Dylan
Worst:: hasent happened yet
What would you change about yourself:: nothing
Do you have any regrets:: nope
Have you been arrested:: nope
Do you have a screen name:: .:*emma*:.
Do you wish you had another name:: yeah
Are you close to any family members:: yeah
When did you cry the most:: when i almost loss someone im in love with
Do you have any pets:: yeah, 2 many
Are your parents still together:: nope
Who do you live with:: Dylan
How do you dress:: in sexy cloths
What kind of car do you want:: a light blue bug
What do you label yourself as:: a prep, but somewhat of a nerd
Do you wear eyeliner:: yeah
Do you like the bad boy/ bad girl type:: nope
Which one of your friends have you known the longest:: Brenna
Which one is the richest:: Ashley
Nicest:: Gine
Cleanest:: Gina
Prettiest:: all of my friends
Needs to grow up:: matt and zach
Do you have any enimies:: nope
End this with a quote:: do you believe in love at first sight? cause i do:)
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im so in love with you:)

The first day I saw you I knew I loved you I knew I always wanted to be with you I don't know what I would ever do without you I never want to lose you No one will ever take me away from you I love ev...
Posted by .::*I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM! WOW 1 YEAR BABY*::. on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 09:52:00 PST

what it feels like to full in love

She always watched you from afar,with all her feelings kept inside.Though she never did admit it,she'd die just to be at your side.Wondered how she fell for you,she was won over by your charms.Needed ...
Posted by .::*I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM! WOW 1 YEAR BABY*::. on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 04:36:00 PST