I think one can either like CRAFT or hate it – so how has the repercussion been to your last, â€Fuck The Universe†album?----------------The response have been very diverse. So this time around we seemed to have provoked more stupid people with especially our album title, which apparently “isn’t black metalâ€. But they are right, it isn’t black metal at all. I mean we can’t have people running around swearing in black metal, and the title neither contains the philosophical weight of Nietzsche’s work (which nobody seems to read anyway), nor does it make you believe we are rocket-scientists through spelling of big, important words. And it doesn’t have the words “goatâ€, “vomitâ€, “cunt†or “christ†anywhere in it. It also doesn’t have a title which is stolen directly from a bible verse or spell all the C’s with K’s instead. All these valid points makes it basically an extremely un-black metaly title for an extremely un-black metaly album for some people, I suppose. But for the record though, we truly wanted it to be more true and evil, but we didn’t know how to conform to all the latest trends so that’s why it isn’t more KVLT!