i love music i like going to josh's and drinking and riding down a hill on a dolly i like beer west ham's the shit i like tattoos i have 3 soon to be four but i'm too scared to get the vulture on my belly finished cause that shit hurt shows are fun i like thinking about the serious things in life like why DOES a bear shit in the woods? hahaha(jk chris) i love being at trash city records thats my second home (r.i.p trash!)i love playing contra but above all i love my honda of terrorsrc=http://www.football.co.uk/shared/images/teams/west _ham.jpg
oi, punk, ska, skinhead reggae,oldies and i do listen to rac but i dont believe
Fight Club, The Warriors, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Animal House, wwII movies, green street hooligans, The Beliver, Casino, boondock saints