Water For People Not For Profit.The human ability to believe anything, even in the face ofcontrary evidence, is one of the most startling thingsabout our species. Everyone insists they are a rational,reasonable creature. Yet we are all quite irrational, andrare is the man swayed by reason alone. Not only do weWant to Believe, we actively create belief without eventrying. It is hard-wired in our brains.Hope is a longing for a future condition over which youhave no agency; it means you are essentially powerless.When we stop hoping for external assistance, when westop hoping that the awful situation we're in willsomehow resolve itself, when we stop hoping thesituation will somehow not get worse, then we are finallyfree—truly free—to honestly start working to resolve it.
When hope ends.....Action begins."Love is always changing and unless we stay aware andchange with it, it eludes us."The first and simplest emotion which we discover inthe human mind, is curiosity.
Time is a companion that goes with us. It reminds us tocherish each moment, because it will never come again.