Lance profile picture


I had six drinks too manyimg src= alt

About Me

Before you look my page any more, i think i should explain myself. In fact i will call it an "About me" section. I have commitment issues,am a little hairy, pasty as hell, and don't eat meat. If you can live with all this i shall continue. I like to laugh, watch other people laugh and enjoy watching people fall down. Those are my favorite things alongside school, history, music, family and friends. Lets be friends if you are not a shitty band, or a whore, or a guy that has a picture of his shirt off (i can do it because i had a mustache which according to Brown vs the board of education (1954) granted me the power to do so).Also i am studying at Glasgow university but originally from California. I just moved so if you see me getting beaten by hooligans let them know that i quite new to the area and they are leaving a terrible impression. In California I lived right on the beach and had an ocean view.... actually add three hours and subtract the view. Absolutely Gorgeous!!!

My Interests

Awkward situations

I'd like to meet:

The hot girl who lives at the end of my street.I hope to catch you carrying groceries one day and need help opening the door. Then i can sweep you off your feet by saying, "I like food as well." Its called fate baby


THE SAME SHAPE(I would bet money that they are better than your friends shitty band) MENOMENA ANDREW BIRD MODEST MOUSE THE SHINS RADIOHEAD


Anything Written by Charlie Kaufman Anything directed by Michel Gondry Scary Movies suck ass


TV will rot ur brain


Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palahniuk, John Kennedy Toole, Truman Capote, Anthony Burgess, Daniel Quinn,


The dinosaurs. They lived, they loved, and then they left...

My Blog

I finally made one.

i created a blog because myspace's blog thing is really limiting my creative capacity. my blog and stuff
Posted by Lance on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 01:28:00 PST

Tis the season...

So i have been home for the holidays and i figured i would be productive and recount some of my experiences for all that are stalking me.  (i mean are staying in touch with old friends. So i arri...
Posted by Lance on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 03:53:00 PST

Quick update..

1. Go see Into the Wild...Right now2. Matt Damon was voted the worlds sexiest man, and that story is currently the top read story on CNN.com3. Below Damon is the Chilean earthquake report that killed...
Posted by Lance on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 03:40:00 PST

To the asshole behind me at Marks and Spencers

The 21st century is characterized by a rapidity of information, commerce and action. i understand this. I get it. What i don't understand is where you had to be in less than a minute.I was in front...
Posted by Lance on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 07:59:00 PST

Peeksures from my first couple Days in the new/old country

Glasgow UniversityBotanic Gardens, More of the University, and a flag, the Scottish flag or maybe blue crossEvery Scottish kid looks like hereExpression gallery, Kelvingroove Art Museum Kodiak's DadMo...
Posted by Lance on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 06:14:00 PST

Los Angeles is the most desolate city in America

So on my way to SD i had to travel through LA. I will be honest with you, or as honest as i can be, LA is a terrible place. It contains traffic, poverty, and pollution. My personal favorite is that...
Posted by Lance on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 02:57:00 PST

Debachary: A tale of Lance's Birthday Celebration, Written by Alex

1. Sushi at Wassabi2. We decide to go to tower3. We arrive at Vinny's and don't get a drink in favor of getting beers at Sequoia Brewing co. (screwing you for judging how i spell sequoia... or however...
Posted by Lance on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 02:08:00 PST

Best piece of literature in years...that wasn't written by me..cuz mine is good, all good

Random drunk running guy- Where are you going? And why are you running?Crying girl on cell phone- Yes, Sweetheart, when you are hammered is a great time to deal with your relationship problems.High Fi...
Posted by Lance on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:27:00 PST

My rap Debut..thats deebutt to you sucka

So i was thinking that since i have like a year left to graduate from state....I am probably just gonna drop out and start my rap career...i know i thought the same thing, i am gonna be so good at it!...
Posted by Lance on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 06:05:00 PST

Sorry im a "no go" on the camshow

do other people get a ridiculous amount of sluts trying to add them??? This is getting a little out of hand...I haven't been to the movies in ages, and you think i have enough time to for a cam show!?...
Posted by Lance on Tue, 23 May 2006 11:35:00 PST