i L0ve singing,,sketching,,dancing,,watching m0vies,,eating ice creams and ch0c0lates.. i aLs0 L0ve pLaying arcades.. reading b00ks,,surfing the net,, s0undtrip,, ahhhmm and having a L0t 0f frends!!!
hmmm... kahit cn0.. basta ung gust0 me maging frends.. !!
R&B..s0ft r0ck,,jazz,,p0p,,ac0ustic,,and many m0re except baduy s0ngs..
ms,c0ngeniaLity,,kick b0xeR,,my bestfrends wedding,,wedding pLanner,,finaL destination,,hot chick,,sugar&spice,,bring it on,,what a gurL wants,,species,,the eye,,the grudge,,eight leeged freaks,,and many m0re!!
mtv..dismised!! ahhh myx.. kakabakaba.. and many m0re...
n0veL,,fantasy,,suspence,,reLated t0 medicaL numbers...naks!! pr0miz!!
my m0m and dad!! super man,, and p0werpuff guRLz.. and heLLo kitty hehe!!