HAhahahahah!! THat's how I start my day's... Naaa!! JOKe...
What is there to know about me?
I'm a girl Born N razed in Sweden/fiTTjA, my parents are originally from Iraq/Assyrian.
Let me tell you what drives me to still be here today and have helped me chose the right way from wrong... All I can say is that It's the DanCe ANd the BeautIfuL muSic that helped/gave me the last chance to express myself.
I realized that i wanted to DaNcE professinally when I was in the age of 16. I had the opportunity to start for real when I was going to my 22:oz.
I went to a school in NYC named BroadwayDanceCenter(ISVP 1 year program). That is a school that accepted all kinds of daNcers experienced or not experienced. It's all about how much you want it. That school helped me alot, But I have SoOOoOOoO much more to learn...ToDaY I'm Back in NYC (BabY) To continue my jerNey Of making my dream come true.. And if it dosen't go the way I want it after giving everything i can and have..
All I can say Is that I tried...We All should not be affraid of what we want, or think
that we don't diserve a nother chance.
YOu are your own chances.SambA ShoW
samba amour