E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-i-N-G!!!!!as in L-A-H-A-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wnt to mit pipoL dt are true to theirseLves,,,mabait and thoughtfuL...un Lng!!!!!!!!ung hndi pLastic nd hndi rn panggap!!!bcoz i h8 dose knd of pipoL!!!!!pramis!!!!!!(",)
r&b Lng po!!!!kc sobrng gnda eh!!!!(",)
parent trap,,,princess diaries,,panic room,,nu pb??jason vs. freddy...the grudge...say it isn't so...ska kng anu-anu p!!!!hehehe!!!!(",)
hbo,,cinimax,,star movies,,and most especiaLLy MTV!!!!!!(",)
i dnt read buks eh...smetimes Lng...(",)