About Me
Fashion has always been present in the life of the young Madrilenian designer YIYI GUTZ. After studying psychology, she registered at IADE to study Fashion Design. At that time, she was involved in different types of projects that, in one way or another, were linked to fashion, design and arts. In 2003, she plunged into the professional world. She worked as production director during 3 years. Now, with her own label, her works are born of multi-disciplinary interests, mainly her desire to explore different expressions of culture and art. She ellaborates her own prints with small symbols stamped in a series of geometric shapes and solid colours, providing at the same time semiological content. The conceptualisation of the creative process as well as the materials, shapes and icons of the prints make of each garment a piece of a particular story that has to be interpreted by the one who is wearing it. Thus, through YIYI GUTZ’s proposals we can learn different things: to protect ourselves from the world by means of armours as those of fencing, to speculate about the connection between fashion and Art, to fall in love during a journey, or to heal ourselves from physical or spiritual illnesses at an old hospital.
OSMOSIS O.O SS07 was presented during the 2006 Mustang Fashion Weekend. INMUNIZA DOS FW07/08, during the II ed. Valencia Fashion Week, awarded as best collection. AMOUR FATAL SS08 presented during the III ed. Valencia Fashion Week, received: jury special distinction. SATONARIO FW09 was presented during the IV ed. Valencia Fashion Week. HAGAN JUEGO SS09 presented during the V ed. Valencia Fashion Week. Costume design of HAMLET directed by Juan Diego Botto. LABOR IS FW10 presented during the VI ed. Valencia Fashion Week.Her last collection REFLEXIONES SS10 presented during the VII ed. Valencia Fashion Week.http://www.iqons.com/yiyigutz
My Blog
LABOR ISLa fábrica es un vientre repleto de vidas que sueñan con nacer. A punto de comenzar el s.XX Londres rebosa de individuos en busca de prosperidad. Factorías humeantes donde hombres y mujeres -...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 06:35:00 GMT
¡Hagan juego! Incesantemente escuchas esta voz dentro de ti. De forma diferente todos soñamos con el triunfo. Conformarse con menos significa rendirse. Vivimos dentro de un gran casino. Nuestra vida c...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 17:15:00 GMT
La diseñadora madrileña Yiyí Gutz, ha creado el vestuario para el "Hamlet" dirigido por Juan Diego Botto que se estrenará el 15 de Julio en el Festival de Almagro. En Madrid podrá verse durante el me...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 01:49:00 GMT
Yiyí Gutz participa en OKUPACIÓN CREATIVA
Posted by on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:07:00 GMT
Yiyí Gutz viste los Premios de la Música
Late un corazón, déjalo latir&. Es la música interior que siempre te acompaña. Te hace sufrir y te hace amar. Cuando te acercas a mi se acelera, cuando oye tu voz se aletarga y enmudece. La vida pasa ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:22:00 GMT
When we are down, life becomes like one of those old mansions inhabitated by ghosts. Full of that dark and romantic atmosphere which makes time and space disappear. Sadness, apathy and melancholy are ...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 03:55:00 GMT
Why is love sometimes fatal ? We spend our lives looking for real love, for someone to be crazy about. We want to be the target of Cupid’s sharpest arrow, become passion-struck victims and fall ...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 03:47:00 GMT
YIYI GUTZ interview LA MILK Nº11 APRIL 07
Posted by on Thu, 10 May 2007 15:34:00 GMT