This is Monty.She is approximately 14-15 months old and weighs 55 lbs. I don't know her height but we included a picture of her standing so you can get an idea. She is a mid sized dog.Monty loves people and gets along well with others dogs, she craves attention very much.She is one of the most sweet tempered dogs I have ever but would not be great around babies or toddlers because she is full of bounding energy, that is why we need to have her adopted from our home since we will be having a child in February.Monty needs to run around and get her exercise.She wants very much to be a lap dog and is devoted to her owner, following me around the entire apartment wherever I go.Monty is house trained and will sit and lie down on command especially if you have a treat in hand.Monty rarely barks.In short, Monty is a great dog and it breaks my heart to give her away. She does have her challenges but mostly she is just a great dog with a wonderful disposition who deserves a great and permamnent home. She will be well placed with someone who has other dogs or friends with dogs and some room to run around in. I wouldn't recommend young children (below 10 years old) because of her exuberent behavior and propencity to jump on those that she loves (I have pretty much broken her of the habit but you don't want to take any chances). Any questions please let me know.Rob