Our band was formed in the spring of 2004 in NyÃregyháza. That time and even before, we had been strongly influenced by modern and extreme metal. As the musical conception of the membership wasn’t different either, so did the idea come to play cover songs from bands we liked the most. This went on over a year developing our minds, improving our skills. Since the year of 2005 the membership has totally changed, equally with our musical taste. After experimenting with home – made demos, we finally made our first Ep (Gathered Silence) that characterizes our past and present musical state of mind. We’ re trying to put our souls into the music we make as much as we can, destroying every musical border. That’s why the listener can find, sad alternative, hip-hop, and poppy elements as well as intense and fast outbreaks mixed with the anxiety of hardcore. We’re not likely paying attention to mainstream music, in fact just wanna be kids who play different music week after week, expressing feelings, moods...
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