++nAfiSa++life is easier b4.. profile picture

++nAfiSa++life is easier b4..

I am here for Friends

About Me

im nafisah bt halid..u can cal me nafisa...1st frm 5..i hav sis, 2 bro n 1 god bro..rite now im studying at uitm swk in info mgmt..i luv to read, watching tv n sumtimes i luv 2 sms..i luv to hangout 2, but i rarely hav tym 2 do it owez..i enjoy babysit kanak2 y cute cm AyishKuSyg sbb i luv cute babies!!=]..im an open-minded person..i guess im a gud listener 2..i luv novels written by nicholas spark, danielle steel n ramlee awang murshid sooooo much..i can spend all my money on it..seriously..huhu..i guess dats all bout me that i can describe..huhu..add me 2 noe more about me..i promise ill rply all ur msg n cmmnt..walau lmbt cmne pn..tgu jew..hihi.. add me k...=]

My Interests

So you were saying...

I'd like to meet:

my fmly[rndu esp AyishKuSyg!!],
my one n only god bro, kayrulKuSyg !!,
my scolmate!! <[b>ex-sksd, ex-jigs, ex-juasseh]
++biBDyE++ [heheh..=p]
n lastly sape2 jew..


im universal..=p


bring it on 1-3,1 litre of tears, gol n gincu, emil emilda, sassygurl, mygurl, meteor garden, kami, csi, a walk 2 remember in fact sume cite y best n bkn sci fic y terlebih2 or y ganas2 tuh!!huhu..


sume chnnel aku nengok...tp aku plg ske tgk discovery chnnel, travel n living, axn!!


sume novel y nicholas sparks,john grisham, danielle stell n ramlee awang murshid wrote..my fav notebook, tombiruo, msg in a bottle n bagaikn puteri..


my family!!all 5 of them!![ibu-khamsiah othman,abah-halid abu hassan,lil sis-norsyafiqah halid, bro-muhd nur syahmi halid, lil bro-muhd hariz uthman halid]