Hi and welcome to my Home. As you've probably already determined, I love Otep. I think she's amazing! I saw her for the first time live June 3rd in Seattle. Incredible! She opened for Static-X. They're greattoo, but now I really want to see her play a full set. I can't wait for her to come back to Seattle and I am really lookin forward to the new Album, which according to her last interview that I read, shouldbe soon after this tour is complete at the end of June. Anyway, other things that interest me are guitar, which I have played since age 14, and piano since age 7. I also do extensive research of theparanomal including witchcraft and demonology and have performed several investigations into reported hauntings.So hit me with a comment if ya feel like it, and just for the record, since you read this far, my name is greg!(for those who don't know me)
Thanks for droppin by. ROCK ON!!!..