Girls. Sports, Playing the Bass, Poker,Movies,Music,Driving,Sleeping,Bars,Pool,Bowling,VideoG ames,Camping,Playing golf,Chess,Eating,
If u got yahoo messenger feel free to hit me up!!! MY ID is djpushplay18 :) ..
.. ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
object width="464" height="388" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000">....
.. ......> The Landlord ..>
fwl code="layout">.. ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics
Counting Crows-Depeche Mode-Nirvana-live-Cake-Cheville-Tool-Pixies-Bush-The Police-Three Days Grace- Tori Amos-Poe-ACDC-CCR-Stone Temple Pilots-Radiohead-Snow Patrol-The Cure-Ben Harper-Pearl Jam- Massive Attack-Peaches-Aerosmith-Sublime-Garbage-Dramaramma-Lenny Kravitz-Alice In Chains-Nine Inch Nails-Queen-Red Hot Chilli Peppers-Beck-Soul Asylum-Silverchair -Blind Melon-Better then Ezra-Jimmy eat world
Gonnies-Scarface-Indiana Jones-Pulp fiction
Espn-Seinfeld- Simpsons-Friends
I have no patience to read!!!!!!!!!
My Mom- Peyton Manning-Kobe Bryant