Hey Everyone!! My names Alana and i love to have fun!!My Loves:
**MUM + DAD- Love you guys! and i think my mums the bestest ever hehe BRAD- i definately have the best brother in the world. thankyou for all the things you do for me, and thanx for saving my ass from is forever! **ROHAN- i guess i love him, only kidding!! life wouldnt be much fun without this guy! Makes me smile constantly! wouldnt have it any other way! Oh and definately have to mention a bonus of going out with rohan is his bunch of mates!! (woodsy,shawno,issa,raph,barnsy,zac,frodes,reedy,gibbo,cam,d
ave,eddie,kemp,berge,nashy just to name a few lol)... **BREE- this girl makes me laugh, i think she makes everyone laugh, i finally found a girl that has worse blonde moments then myself hehe But she is a barrel of fun to be with although most of the time she is drunk!!!**LEESH- my little leeshy poo, gosh i love you! many many memories from way back at skool and im very glad to have kept conatct out of skool!! U and LEO together just make me laugh! you girls rock!! stay cool!! friends forever!!**KYMMIE POO- wow so many funny memories...hahah this yr we have started to become distant with different groups of friends, but wen we do catch up its like nothing has changed!! She is a fellow fake tanner which i love!!! :D **LAU, LAVI, DANI, REL + RINDY- WOW i love these girls, always make training enjoyable even when we are running line sprints!! Congrats Lau and migs on the engagement- love you guys!! woo!! Rindy my primary school mate hahah many many many years now!! ur the best! See u at training! **COURT, CASSIE, KATIE, VIVI + DANI- Sooooooooo many years and so many memories, although we all went to 6 different high schools we have continued to stay a close knit group and i would do anything for you girls! These are definately friendships to cherish for a life time!! stay Cool girls!! dinner monday?? lol **KATEDRYDEN,LAURA,AMY,RACHY,EL,CAZ,DEE,JAY,LEO,JENNA,NICOLA
,TARA,CHARLI- East hills girls!! made high skool a load of fun! Miss you all!! :D Highschool reunion one day! hehe **LORENA, LAURYN, SARAH, TARIN, MEGZ- you girls make uni fun!! especially human movement heheh some fun times!!! ;) Cya in the psychology lecture!! :D uni ball?? yer? nah? xx **LEX, RICK, JOHN, STEPHEN- You guys are halarious!! and lex and rick u guys are just so cute (in a manly sort of way) :D Hmmm i guess i just love everyone! everyone who is in my life ur just the best!! il update this again wen i have a bit more time to write not such sappy
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