well i was born in red rooster one fine n sunny day in the suburbs of rockingham, WA. my mother was a dairy farmer n my father a cane toad... it was love at first site from across the green pastures of cloverdale. across the field they ran.... in slow motion... with cindy lauper playin! With considerable difficulty, my brothers n i were concieved. upon birth, we were heaved outta my mother womb.. i was the lone survivor, 231 of my siblings died that day in the cold harsh cave *tear* soon i found myself being packaged off in a red rooster value kids meal destined for a nu life wit a nu family. little did i no that this was soon 2 end. my nu family abandoned me in the cold dark rockingham city shopping city. all alone wit no friends i cowered and cried rockin back n forth amongst many other unloved toys but i nu i didnt belong... i nu sum1 out there loved me!!!!! i was discovered by a few brave kmart employees, rescuing me from the cold dark nights that were 2 b my destiny......
check blog 4 next wks installment