My kids, dogs, books, music, dogs, people, my kids, books, dogs, my kids, music, the nature of reality, dogs, oh and did I mention dogs? Foreign languages. Political incorrectness. Spelling :) Grammar :) the language doesn't matter!
God for breakfast, for a lengthy discussion on what he did wrong when he created "mankind".Jack Nickolson for dinner, to share wit, sarcasm and to find out who beats the other when it comes to self-deprecating humor that is misinterpreted as arrogance.Axl Rose, to sing with. To sweat with. To fight with. To ask him why he had to be a dumb ass and screw up his career. What a voice.... what an idiot!!!
Pink Floyd, CCR, the artist formerly known as whatwashisname?, Guns'n Roses, Janis, Beatles, John all on his own, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Jimmy H, Dylan, Joe Cocker, JC Mellencamp, Bob Seeger, allthestuffmysonandIlovestolistentoohehehehe, hard rock - no matter who does it. Classical. Latin-American Folklore. Country. Who said something about eclectic taste in music? Oh and........I HATE ELEVATOR MUSIC !
I don't watch many, my own imagination is far better. Hmmmm.... Fried Green Tomatos, Not another Teen Movie, Joe Dirt, definitely Joe Dirt, Euro Trip, The Green Mile, Soylent Green, 6th Sense(should have been 7th sense 'cause I got 6 myself), but Euro Trip and Joe Dirt beat them all....I guess that says it all right there. I'm hummmmm a weird mom and a weirder grandma.
Animal Channel. National Geographic. News. FX Network. Animal Channel. Animal Channel. Animal Channel. Animal Channel..........mal nnel....ll, lately I've fallen in love with Dexter.
The Book of Secrets. Anything printed in German, English or Spanish but primarily....We don't die. Wir leben nicht nur einmal. Raza de Bronce. I also read any advertising on any product. I'm now starting to read Russian newspapers on line. I'm SICK.
I have to split them into the living: Andy, Corri, Derec, Dominic, Bob and Brigitte, Benjamin and Annika.I love my kids. They're all nuts like me. And the dead: My mom and my dad. Atu, Opa, Pablo, Paul, Walter, Jill.I don't know them but wish I did: Mata Hari. Josephine Baker.Those who shaped my mind: Siddharta Gautama. Jean Paul Sartre. Camus. Plato.Those who make me laugh: Benjamin, Annika, Bob and David. I love to laugh!