“One thing Sheboygan has going for them on this disc is that they feature two equally talented songwriters, always a good thing in a band (cf. Sloan, Fastball, XTC and some guys called The Beatles). Here it's Chris Gebhard and Cory Glaeser. Glaeser, who wrote all the songs on the debut EP, is the more traditional power-popper of the two: alternating crunchy-guitar based numbers a la Matthew Sweet such as "The Stars and the Moon" and "Got No Game" with piano and keyboard-based tracks like "Everybody Knows" and the absolutely fab "Birth of Venus". Gebhard, meanwhile, has a more languid pop sound: "Star Child", "Dream" and "I Got So Sleepy" are Cloud Eleven crossed with Jellyfish, while "Time Machine" has a jangly, Teenage Fanclub sound. The combination of the two (who generally alternate tracks on the disc) makes for an outstanding album and an early best of 2008 contender."
"Named after a small town somewhere in Wisconsin, Sheboygan pays homage to The Beatles, without coming across as cloying or insincere. And somehow they manage to sound unique - a difficult feat with so many indie pop/rock, or "power pop" bands falling through the cracks of 6th and Red River streets. Sheboygan's latest self-released CD, It's OK, Say Yes, explores the romantic possibilites in time and space."