I love to read, writing, peace and quiet, and a man that smells good and can cook. (smile)
I'm very interested in meeting potetial clients. I work with Home buyers, Home sellers, and Real Estate investors. I also work with Commercial and Business Brokerage. If you are leasing I can also find you Residential and Commerical rentals. If you don't reside in the Atlanta area and are thinking of moving here, I can assist you with your relocation needs. I can also assist you with relocating outside of the Georgia area. Any Real Estate need you have I can help. Please contact me for more details and any questions that you may have. As for Business associates I'm looking to network with some extrodinary, experienced, innovative superstars that will assist me in giving my clients the very best in their home buying experience. If you feel that you can be a great benefit to my team and my clients please don't hesitate to call. You may email me directly at [email protected] or call me at 404-843-2500. I look forward to hearing from all of you very soon. Nina
Right now I'm listening to India Arie, Beyonce, Boney James, Kirk Franklin,and Goapele. I love all types of music though.
I'm not really a movie person, but I love Tyler Perry plays and two of my favorites are "Madea goes to jail" and "Why did I get married" I like the life lessons that they teach.
I'm a CSI fanatic (all of them!), 48 hours, House, Law and order, City confidential, forensic files.
Bible...48 Powers of Law...The millionaire woman next door...Rich dad Poor dad...The power of femininity...The purpose driven life...Conversatiions with God 1, 2 and 3., and The riches man in babylon
Anyone working to better themselves, uplift others and empower our own communities.