My name is / Marilyn but my family calls me
Im 40 yrs old.Im just a small town girl in engaged to a great man.
I have one daughter, Meagan and when im not working i ♥ spending time with her and the rest of my family.i ♥U GuYs!!♥The OcEaN♥SwImMiNg♥U of K B-baLL♥EaTiNg♥AnImALs♥tHe CoLoR PiNk♥TaNnInG♥BeInG bLoNde♥McDoNaLds and TaCo BeLL♥MuSTaNgS♥My FaMiLy♥StraWbERrY ShOrt CaKe♥PuRSeS♥DaNcInG iN FroNt of the MirRoW♥TaKinG PiCtuReS♥MeEtinG NeW PeOpLe♥ChoCoLatE!!♥MoViE NiGhT♥MuSiC♥LiFe!!