Our blog is very good. VERY good for the soul...
We WANT you to download our songs for free and bung them on your ipod and share them with your mates and laugh at them and feel a *little* bit revulsed or repulsed by them.
Our gigs are unbelievably fun and silly. We are serious about our stupidity and never fail to entertain.
We succeed to entertain.
Please take four minutes out of your busy internettttt life and
The songs all sound amazingly rousing and rambunktious on a set of headphones or belting out of a proper stereo.
Don't believe us?
(Hard sell over), now read all about us and GET. IN. VOLVED!!!
Nobody on earth can
truly be sure how the Gay Horses formed.
Here is a version of events which is
commonly accepted to be accurate.
Any inconsistencies can be logged
as far up your ass as they will go.
All life is a cycle. Death and birth are intrinsically connected. Illness, hardship and disease are a sad balance to joy, happiness and glee.
With this in mind, there is no need for fear. The body of flesh is no permanent home for the soul, it is merely a temporary conjunction of matter design to route energy for a specified or unspecified period of time.
In your world there is nothing but freedom. The rules you live by, be they restrictive or encouraging, are nothing but fabrications of your own mind.
The rules you live by, your guilts, your loves, your desires and your reservations, they are your humanity.
Before humanity, there was only spirit. A form of chaos. Unbridled energy so powerful that it was wont to destroy any creation before that creation could even become an idea. There were no ideas. There was no space. There was no matter. There was no route, no containment. And as such, there was no flow. No point.
As the universe developed, and energy became matter, which in turn became subatoms, which in turn became atoms, which in turn became particles, which in turn became molecules, which in turn became substances, which in turn became chemical processes, which in turn became life, which in turn became behaviour, which in turn rolled through into various intelligences, loves, hopes, fears, communications, instincts, faults, worries, plans and dangers, some of the chaos was lost.
From formlessnes to form.
The natural way of all substance in life is to engage in a system of attraction, interaction and repulsion. On whatever scale, in whatever way, be it evolutionary, physical, mental, chemical, the template of the breath, the inhalation and eventual exhalation, the constant change, is the only knowable, predictable thing about the universe.
Our universe is in a complicated, heavily formful, heavily patterned, heavily ordered place right now.
Dragged from the place before time, the 'non-place', The Gay Horses begin the move from form to formlessness.
The call to shift.
The need to change.
The necessity to break.
The consciousness' ache,
for Chaos.
No one knows what has caused these humans to behave the way they do. But they do it. And a deep, deep part of all of us Quite. Simply.
Love it.
AND why not join us here:
AND podcasters delight!! Almost as an afterthought,
we have registered with podshow.com.
Just click the banner and you can use our genius: