if you would like to purchase a copy of any of my pictures, or if you would like to see a selection, just ask...
more than i could ever ask for
so far away but so close
closer than we have ever been
we're sharing an elevator on our way to hell
"she laid emeralds in her eyes"
the color of my life
he gave me a hug on my first day of college and we've been friends ever since
i just can't get enough of her
these are the other three mean girls from school
my newfound friend
she understands what i am saying all the questions asked (Chels)
i tried to sell her to a we're close
always there for me
the girl who inspires me to try everything at least once
my bodyguard...need i say more
she would play dinosaurs with me if i asked
thomas petchulat was my pen name for photography. the name had history. now i'm back to my own name. i want to start going by my full name, but who knows who is out there. so, for now, i will only include my real name when i sign things that you buy. send me a message if you are interested. i'm up for negotiations
therobertsummer™ photography™
therobertsummer™ photography™