Baseball, Baseball, Baseball...
God, because hey who doesn't? Kate Beckinsale,did you see her in Underworld? Fergie, Taylor Swift, and Carrie Underwood just listen to their voices. Peyton Manning, how can someone be so good at something and yet be a complete idiot? The person who made Bryan Fuller believe whales are responsible for the salt in the ocean.
Greenday, Rascal Flatts, Hinder, anything else is fine as long as it's not the same genre over and over
For Love of the Game, Armageddon, Five People You Meet in Heaven, Underworld and Underworld Evolution, National Lampoon's Adam and Eve, The Punisher
Sportscenter, Two-A-Days, Everybody Loves Raymond, Friends (thanks Sarah), Smallville, That 70s Show, Who's Line, King of the Hill
Anything that Clive Cussler writes, Five People You Meet in Heaven, Friday Night Lights, Wild Pitch
Hard to say there's been a lot of people that have helped me throughout my life, but there's not one who I've looked up to all the time.