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About Me

Hmmm....I am AlWaYs TrYiNG to HaVe A GooD tImE! LOvE ShOPpIng...ThroWIng craZy thingS togEther foR an OUtfit...I lOve...CluBbinG...DanCing...WaTcHinG tElEVIsION(ReAliTy TV iS AddictINg)...cHiLLiN wIt My Girlies at the Vern... I lOVe SinGing(cause i swear i can sing)...EveRytHINg hAs TO be My waY....AlwWaYs wiN all ArGumEnts...NObody Can out Talk Me...I lOve LisTeninG to JaH CuRE, GyPtiaN..AnyonE that is SinGing ReggAe with a DeeP mEaninG behInd the Song..SomEthing i Can reLate to..I Am GuYaNesE...and No GuYaNa is NOt in AfrIcA....iTs in SouTh America!!!....I May SeEm a lil Uptight at FirsT but Im FuN to ChIlLL wiTh OnCe u GeT tO KnoW mE!!...Im FOcuseD....HaVe My GOals and IM noT stOppiNg til i ReaCh them...People aLwaYs wanna KNow why im so quiet and stick to Just Not thAt SOciaL...Im nOt onE to jUst stArt a ConVersation wiT random PeoPle....I GuesS iM not a "SoCial bUttErfly"...ItS noT thaT im A BitCH or UnfRiendLy....If PeopLe aRe noT coMfoRtable arOunD me i CanT be MysElf AroUnd them....Im Not One tO cAre whaT pEOpLE thinK abouT me...BecaUse aT the EnD onlY God WiLL jUdge Me...PeopLe thiNK Im a LIttLe SPoilEd...OKay....I guEss A lOT SPOILED...But i CaNT helP it if My PaReNts WaNT me to Be hApPy...My MOmMy is THe besT..She aCtUally unDerStandS me...My DadDy caN be DIffiCult, bUt i LOve hiM For IT...My SiS onLy wAnTs the BEsT FOr Me...shEs ReAlly PiCky WheN it COMes to Guys...Its PRetty cousin Melanie she tells me the truth even though she knows i do not want to hear it...I caN bE VeRy EnTeRtaAing aT tImes...Im VerY eNergEtic...I LOVE ME....Im jUSt ONe Of A KiNd......NoBoDy CAn ComPArE...I Am GrAduAtiNG From ColLege wiTh a baChelOrs in Political Science AnD a MinoR in CriMinal Justice IN MAy of 2008....I am So exCited...PReviouslY INterNEd in London At DOMeStic ViolEnce IntErvenTion PrOjeCt(DVIP) and I loVed it!!! LonDon hAS bEEn a GreAt ExpEriEnce..I rEcommEnd All to VisIt SomE Day bEcaUse I knoW i WiLL be bak at SoME POint...WEll, theRe is a QuICk aUtoBioGraphy about Me..
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I am A wEst InDiaN wHen....

   I AM A WEST INDIAN WHEN.......I don't walk on the sidewalk ... I walk on pavement.You know that bake is not baked!!You know what it is like to be "sent for the belt"!!I beleive that c...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 20:25:00 GMT