I'd like to meet:
*♥Ryan James Phillip Harvey♥
I Envy Any Girl That Has Ever Hugged You..
Cos Just For That Moment They Were Holding My Entire World In Their Arms..." ♥
Well it's been over a year and ten months now and we're still going strong :D
I don't know how he puts up with me, I really don't :) aha :D
I feel soooo lucky to- have found a guy like him :)
He's just the best most perfect boyfriend to ever walk on this Earth and just happens to be the fittest :P
I'm gonna have him forever and ever :)
He's gonna let me get a Jukebox and a Motorbike and a Space Invaders arcade game machiney thing and a Pin-Ball Machine and we'r gonna put em all into our house in the RAF :)
(I don't plan ahead at all :P)
I love Ryan Harvey sooo much :) He completes me :)
I Think I Really Have Found "The One" ♥