The Gospel of The Kingdom of Christ, Business, Finance, My Wife and 6 Kids, Teaching
Jesus on "That Day"
Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
Praise & Worship, Christian Rap (It Grew on Me - I'm not so Religious Anymore)
All Comic Book Adaptations, Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi
The Soprano's, Heroes, Flip This House, Smallville, The Boondock's, MythBusters, House
The Holy Scriptures (Bible), Missed Fortune, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Cash-Flow Quadrant, The Ph Miracle
Of course Jesus, but more specifically Scott M. Spence - He has been a true example of a father in my life - both in the faith, and in just plain being there to offer council and wisdom and guidance. He raised his 14 children and then took the time to RE-Raise me in the things of the Spirit and in the natural. Of assurity I can say that he is a Bonafied Man of God who puts on no pretence and does not elivate himself above his brethren. And, also My lovely wife - She has shown me by example what a true wifw and mother should be - I think that many 'older women' could learn from her example. She makes raising 6 kids and a husband look easy.