I'm trying not to be interested in too much these days but there's just so much out there.
Currently I am listening to In Rainbows, Trials of Van Occupanther, Want 2, St. Vincent, Kylie Minogue....
Shaweshank Redemtion, Big Fish, The Music Man, It's a Wonderful Life, Truman Show, Dreams, Life is Beautiful, MOST things Lynchian, THERE WILL BE BLOOD...to name a few.
I pretend like I don't watch it but I do. You know...Gilmore Girls, Seinfeld, Family Guy, and stuff like that; typical guy stuff.
I feel the urge for a book reading coming on real soon. For now...not so much.
The biological mother and father(rest in peace), the ever so present dad, spiritual mom(Diann) & dad(Phil), Donny Martin, Nick Yaws, Ryan Turner, and the Lake Highlands Church family.