Glass Messiah profile picture

Glass Messiah

About Me

Glass Messiah is the latest and greatest incarnation of Rich Pashley and Benn Walch. The previous ones are too many to mention and spread over at least a decade.
Glass Messiah was formed in September 2006, with the 'soul' purpose of doing something 'different' to anything they had previously done. The string arrangements, piano and sampling/programming were something totally new to both members, so it was a very exciting project to embark upon. The idea to incorporate these new elements were inspired partly by 'Sawdust in the Blood' from Rob Zombies 'Educated Horses' Album.
There was however a slight worry that things were not going to run entirely smoothly due to the differences in styles. Benn had just left a 4 piece band called Anyone We Forgot, in which he was playing bass, because of him favouring the heavier and ultimately darker sounds. So fighting this underlying aprehension they sat down to write their first track.
After getting over the initial confusion on where to start, Glass Messiah's first track started to take shape and was given the working title 'Epique', this later became the song 'Revelations'. From there on the songs just seemed to flow.. Design: Darkwrath10

My Interests


Member Since: 09/09/2006
Band Website: Under Construction...
Band Members: Rich Pashley - Vocals, Keyboards, Orchestral/String Arrangements
Benn Walch - Guitars, Bass, Drums,/Programming and Sampling.
Influences: Failed relationships, troubled childhoods and lack of sleep...
Rich Pashley - Silverchair, Smashing Pumpkins, Rob Zombie, Coheed & Cambria, Dissociatives, AFI, Him, A Perfect Circle, My Dying Bride, Emperor, Apocalyptica, Rammstien, Coal Chamber, Nightwish, Within Temptation...
Benn Walch - TOOL, Rob Zombie, Coal Chamber, Stabbing Westward, Mudvayne, Static-X, Machinehead, Danzig, Mushroomhead, Disturbed, NIN, White Zombie, A Perfect Circle, Within Temptation, Clawfinger, Nightwish, Marilyn Manson, Dope.
Sounds Like: Put all of the above into a cauldron, add a bit of 'Dark and Moody spice' and some 'Brooding herbs', leave to dwell on it's own pity for about a decade and serve F****** LOUD !!!
Record Label: Chamber Door Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Genesis: The Creation

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form, and void: and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And ...
Posted by on Thu, 03 May 2007 14:07:00 GMT