Bellie Bee profile picture

Bellie Bee

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

RAT TERRIERS RULE!!!!now that i got that out of the way i can continue.Well I am still a puppy but i am coming up in age day by day. I enjoy going to the lake and running as fast as i can. That is my life in a nutshell!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cats, cuz i think they are cool. I would like to meet some dogs also. I also would like to meet some birds cuz i have some bird friends. I would also like to be friend with Grammy's friends. I would like to meet my Grandma and Grampa someday. What Animal Soul resides in you?
You are a rabbit! You are optimistic, happy, hyper, kind, caring,and never fail to make leave with a smile on your face! Quote: "Happiness depends upon ourselves." ~Aristotle
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What is your name? Bella Bee Lee
What is your owner's name? Julie & Scott
Do you have any nicknames? Bellie bee, Belle, Beebeebell, Poop
Which breed are you? Rat Terrier
What is your birthday? 3-21-06
Do you live with other animals? yes we have a rabbit, 4 birds, my parents, and lots of reptiles
How much do you weigh? 10.8 lbs
Are you neutered? No i'm spayed tho.
What is your favorite treat? I like bully sticks or birds food, I get yelled at tho.
What are you most afraid of? Having my picture taken under hot lights, or my nails being cut
Do you like baths? No they really suck, i have only had like 1 or 2. My mom and dad clean me a lot or my boyfriend Joel.
How much did you cost? I WAS FREE FREE FREE because i was born into the family at home!
Where do you sleep? On top of the blankets between Julie's legs.
What is your favorite toy? I have a cell phone that rings!! I like that best!
Do you like to watch TV? nah not really.
Do you do any tricks? I sit when treats are involved. I kinda know give paw also.
Are you a social dog? Depends on if i know you. I usually let my parents find out if you are safe before i go.
Are you friendly? with those i love
Do you like car rides? YESS YESSSS I DO!!
Do you get into stuff? on a regular basis
Do you chase laser pointers? they make me run into the cats and get beaten up!


My Blog

I bee tagged!

People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own about five odd habits and things they do as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 17:51:00 GMT

My Spay

Grandma told me it was time to get spayed so we went to great grampa to get it done. I kinda felt ucky for a few days and now i got itchy stitches but Grammy said i get them out in wednesday!!! I am s...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 21:05:00 GMT

New Boyfriend!!!!

A new man came into my life today. Yes you guessed it he's a cat also. He is my age too and we have so much to talk about. His name is still not clear but i will update the world when i find out. He m...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 23:37:00 GMT

Myspace is full of dogs!!!

OMG i waited til now to find this out but there are so many doggies on myspace. I like it better then dogster too cuz i can change the background, cuz i love red. I also can post lots of pics...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 18:57:00 GMT