CyndiCYANIDEâ„¢ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hei, I'm C h e y e n n e.
Known as C y n d i to some and C h e y z to others.
But call me C y a n i d e.
mahah...Cheyenneide..:) It works :o!
I'm 18, birthday M a r c h 3 0th.
I live in a town called S t N e o t s.
Which is near C a m b r i d g e, where I spend alot of my time.
I spend my free time drawing, making and playing music, creating hairfalls and hanging with friends..oh and shopping ;]
I'm in love. And taken by the wonderful Henri, who is simply amazing!! ♥
Fuck Edward Cullen...I've got my own vampire ;]

I study P h o t o g r a p h y at Cambridge Regional College, and I'm going on to do Foundation Art, so I can get into London School of Arts, and do Theatrical Makeup.
I am soon hopefully selling my own made D r e a d f a l l s, and I have a few interested people.
I love the C y b e r G o t h i c style.
I love h a i r f a l l s. I love b o o t s and C l o t h i n g.
My favourite place to shop is C a m d e n ♥
I am myself, I dont choose my image around others, if I like something, I get it or make it.
Yeah I have idols. But for different reasons rather than styles. For example Miyavi is a big influence to me, cause I play guitar and he is the guitar samari :)
I can be o b s e s s i v e.
I love J a p a n, their music and fashion..though it doesn't suit me.
I've loved F i n a l F a n t a s y since I was a kid.
Especially 7 & 8 ♥
I love m a k e u p and trying out new things.
My favourite genres in music are I n d u s t r i a l and J-R o c k.
If I had to choose favourite bands, I'd say Spectrum-X, Deathstars, Cinema Bizarre, An Cafe and Miyavi at the moment.
I listen to alot of genre's. People tell me my music taste goes down alot..but I love music.
Alot of people claim that 'music is their life' or they are 'Musical' I wouldn't say im extreamly musical, but I cant live with out music, as everyone states. I love to create my own and listen to different styles from around the world ♥
I play G u i t a r and can play S y n t h s.
I used to play V i o l i n and wish I had the time to carry on.
I would LOVE to be in a band. But no one wants what I want around here. So I just make my own from time to time :)
I love going to g i g s. Most of my money goes towards them.
And I LOVE m e e t i n g new people. ^_^
I'm generally a h a p p y person.
I'm not like alot of people on here that add you and never talk. I love to talk to people.
So leave me a c o m m e n t ^_^
'Cause I'm The Trigger That'll Start This Game
..The Perfect Boyfriend..
+ Gothic/Cyber
+ Can play some instrument/sing.
+ Has a cool hair style or hairfalls ^__^
+ Peircings? not many :]
+ Likes what I like.
+ Romantic.
I think I found him...♥

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Me and my sister decided to compile a list with friends to plan out our summer holidays ;D each one shall be ticked off when we do them!

+ Castle Hill
+ Milkshake Party round 2
+ Make a band
+ Walk randomly round the whole of stneots
+ Do an all nighter
+ Get a corset
+ Get furry legwarmers
+ Reunion
+ Lord of the Rings day XD
+ Cosplay
+ Tea party
+ Make Pusshin Prin again
+ Sushi day
+ Loose weight, join gym!?
+ Get Kaya a boyfriend XD
+ Find Jack a boyfriend.
+ Get a job >.<
+ Apply for all hairdressers in town
+ Learn to drive
+ Make rainbow toast with Jack!
+ Make Solstice Decadance brownie again
+ Convince parents to let Henri stay :)
+ Buy a steamer to make my dreadfalls better
+ Buy a good SLR camera
+ Start making and selling dreadfalls
+ (Kaya) Learn Drums
+ (Kaya) Start Youtube xD
+ Go to Thorpe Park with Jack
+ Shopping in Camden with Jack ;D
+ Shopping in Camden with Becky
+ Play Oofo
+ Make muffins
+ Go out drinking in town
+ Learn to make 'Sex on the Beach' ;D
+ fill scrapbook with photos
+ get a cool hairstyle.


My Blog

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