"Degradation sets in her eyes.
A lifeless figure full of desire.
We do nothing as she expires.
we do nothing as she expires.
the rules are set.
curse the liar.
victimization of another.
a hopeful breath that will be smothered.
fear meets deperation as she walks alone.
Undeserving of this fate that's been cast into stone.
Sexual violence destroys silently.
Sexual violence kills violently.
Beauty is not shown on a movie screen.
Self-worth is not depicted in a magazine.
You(we) are worth so much more.
You(we) have so much to give.
Inside is where the beauty prevails.
Strength and courage are not for sale.
Take back control.
take back the night.
Take back control.
take back your life."
by StretchArmStrong
xStrength and Couragex es un fanzine dedicado a la musica hardcore-punk y el estilo de vida Straight Edge, como asi; tambien con otros movimientos sociales como el feminismo, anarquismo/socialismo, pro-choice, derechos humanos y de los animales. Manteniendose en una postura antifascista, anti-racista/xenofoba y todo para lograr un mundo mas justo. Este fanzine es una via para expresar el mensaje mas alla de las bandas y su musica, quiere demostrar que a los chicos y chicas que les gusta el hardcore-punk les importa lo que ocurre en el mundo que les rodea. xS&Cx quiere hacer un llamado a la igualdad entre las personas sin ningun tipo de estupidos roles de genero impuesto por una sociedad materialista y patriarcal en la cual vivimos, y donde las mujeres son objetificadas en todas formas de expresion. Este fanzine quiere hacer algo positivo para la escena con la autogestion o el "hazlo tu mism@". Quizas no podamos cambiar el mundo de la noche a la mañana, pero al menos paso a paso podremos lograr un cambio para vivir en un mundo mejor.
En esta primera edicion cuents con entrevistas a:
como asi tambien articulos de opinion, galeria de fotos, reseñas de discos y entre otras cosas interesantes...
STRENGTH AND COURAGE fanzine esta disponible a la venta por el modico precio de 2 EUROS, y el precio de distribucion es de 1,50 cada copia apartir de un pedido de 6 unidades.
Para preguntas, comentarios, sugerencias o cualquier clase de mensaje de amor o de odio, escribir a:
hxcstillxlives[at]yahoo punto esxStrength and Couragex is a fanzine focused in hardcore-punk music & straight edge lifestyle, and also linked social movements like feminism, anarchism-socialism, pro-choice,animal & human rights, anti-fascism, anti-racism/xenophobia and everything which stand for a world more just. This zine is a way to spread the word of the hc-punk bands & kids and beyond their music, it wants to show what matter to the hardcore-punk kids. It wanna promote equality between people with out any kind of pathetic gender roles set up by this patriarchal system, where women are objectified.
xS&Cx wants to do something positive for the scene, staying on D.I.Y style (which nowadays it's going off.) Maybe we wouldn't change it at all but at least if we do the step and stand our ground, we are doing a lil' change.This fanzine is available in Spanish and English.
XSTRENGHT AND COURAGEX fanzine #1, interviews with: PATH OF RESISTANCE, RISEN, SOCIALIZED CRUCIFIXION, CHAOS GRRRL ZINE, OUT COME THE WOLVES, opinion' articles, photo gallery, music reviews...
get in contact sending a message to: [email protected]