Finishing university as quickly as possible so i can do other fun stuff like skiing lots! Travelling more and getting back into riding competively. I would like to concretely sort out what job i'd like when i grow up and im interested in not getting so many damn parking tickets all the time!
World leaders and prominent military figures to discuss my plans for world domination phh.. just whoever i guess. Nice people who aren't idiots and don't have hang-ups! I'd like to meet people who are crazy good in their sports fields whatever the discipline, and people who have amazing stories or who have done crazy things in their life, overcome challenging hardships and struggled for survival, and leaders or big players who run organisations even nations to see what its like - they'd be the kinds of people you'd read about probably. Basically freaks in their field. It would also be cool to go for drinks with professional comedians and to be able to hear what everyone really thinks like on Liar Liar!
U2 & The Killers