Hockey (predator fans of course), Reading, working on our house, hanging with our friends, cooking (Brad mostly lol), watching our shows...oh yeah...and spending too much time at work lol.
Sunday Lawn
100,724 bring it!!! :)
Brad will tell you he doesn't like people...therefore this section is moot.
Everything is on our shelves. From metal to 80's to country to oldies to Christmas music.
OK Go - Here It Goes Again
Like music, we have a little of everything at our house. We do the Blockbusters and Netflix thing to build our collection ;) Purely for personal use of course ;) Though we still don't know how that copy of the grudge got into our house...its not our movie....wierd... they took a couple of shows I was really enjoying off the air and that it is truly disappointing. Namely Dresden Files and Dirt. And this writers strike is threatening to put a serious damper on my tv watching time. We also watch the following tv shows on a regular basis...The Simpsons, Friends, Psych, Heroes, Bionic Woman, Chuck, Family Guy, HGTV, LA Ink....just to name a few.
Okay....again....a little of everything. Janette is mostly into sci fi. Particularly anything that involves vampires, werewolfs, witches and the paranormal. What can I say....its my thing :) Brad is a history major and believe it or not, likes to read up on history. The last book I got him was a book on the Nazis. Now most of us would find that a dry read...not Brad!
Always and Dad.