You Are 64% Girly
You're a pretty girly chick, and you're not ashamed to admit it (or wear pink).
But you're also practical. You can hang with the guys, as long as they're not too gross!
How Girly Are You?
You Should Wear Plum Lip Gloss
Sassy, seductive, and a little dangerous.
What Color Lip Gloss Should You Wear?
You Are a Feminine Beauty!
You make any guy feel like a man, simply by standing next to him
You have a classic womanly appeal - and you've got a look for every occasion
This doesn't mean that you can't kick back in (designer) jeans and sneakers
You just prefer to be girly and sweet as often as possible
What Type of Beauty Are You?
You Are a Jam Cookie
On the outside, you project a straight-laced, innocent vibe.
But on the inside, you're complex, exotic, and full of flavor.
What Kind of Cookie Are You?
anyone that wants to be freinds with me...
hip-hop r&b a litte bit of rock and country
scary movies cant sleep alone after watching a scary movie though..hehe! i like watching any kinds of movies except for vampires and movies that have evil..hate those kind of movies
My grandmother and my parents. my freinds and the rest of my family too..