Get Your Sexy Name
Get Your Sexy Name
Name: Sean "Pimento" Michael Draper
Birthdate: June 13th or 1989
Birthplace: St. Charles, Illinois
Current Location: Cedar freakin Park, Texas
Eye Color: blew
Hair Color: blawnde
Height: five foot 10 ish
Weight: 130 ish
Piercings: nope
Tatoos: soon as i figure out what i want where
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: i'd rather have the latter thanks
Overused Phraze: "We have a code green!" or "I. Will. Kill." or "you're as funny as a hemorrhoid"
Food: bbq
Candy: gobstoppers
Number: thirteen
Color: orange. or green. whatever
Animal: velociraptor. those things are badass incarnate
Drink: Big red
Alcohol Drink: like i care. grey goose is nice?
Bagel: toasted cinammon and raisin with lotsa butter
Body Part on Opposite sex:&..39;
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BK if i have money. mickey d's if i dont
Strawberry or Watermelon: both, but watermelon first
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice ice baby
Chocolate or Vanilla vanilla. like me.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: smooch
Dog or Cat: whichever crawls into my lap first
Summer or Winter: winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: psssh, dont care, you pick
Love or Money: ask me later
Bedtime: 11 on worknights. other times i dont sleep more than 3-5 hours anway
Most Missed Memory: Salem and Boston with RYAN PIPKIN
Best phyiscal feature: you tell me. eyes i guess
First Thought Waking Up: i cant put that on public webspace
Goal for this year: complain less
Best Friends: RYAN ANDREW PIPKIN, sean robinson, luke sparta, brandon mccarthy, kaitlin kelly, keri pier, brian
Weakness: the "sad puppy dog look"
Fears: itty bitty poisonous spiders. kill em all
Heritage: lotsa irish and lotsa german. but i can pass as white trash easily
Longest relationship: little under a year
Ever Drank: yesh
Ever Smoked: yesh
Pot: yesh
Ever been Drunk: yesh
Ever been beaten up: yesh
Ever beaten someone up: yesh
Ever Shoplifted: yesh. man, these questions make me feel really bad right now...
Ever Skinny Dipped: nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yesh
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: bluey-greeny but if they can work it, anything goes
Favorite Hair Color: anything but gray
Short or Long: long
Height: not taller than me, that's kinda awkward...
Style: cute
Looks or Personality: funny-happy
Hot or Cute both. but cute rocks a little harder than hot
Drugs and Alcohol: right like i need that
Muscular or Really Skinny: skinny but not anorexic. i like a little curve, you know what i'm sayin?
Number of Regrets in the Past:&..39;
What country do you want to Visit: australia, ireland, germany
How do you want to Die: in a huge firey boom that can be seen from space and can be felt around the world and will never be forgotten and will affect everyone for years to come so that kids and grandkids and greatgrandkids will always remember the Boom of Sean!
Been to the Mall Lately:
&..39;Do you like Thunderstorms:' you bet
Get along with your Parents: ummm most of the time.
Do you think your Attractive: on every other day
Believe in Yourself: why not?
Want to go to College: if i can make it, absolutely
Do you Smoke: noo
Do you Drink: no
Shower Daily: yesh
Been in Love: i dunno im only a teenager how could i tell?
Want to get Married: dont know, dont care right now
Do you want Children: can you imagine? little sean drapers running all over the place...
Have your future kids names planned out: naaah, thats how i live dangerously
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: well now THAT'S a personal question dontcha think?
Hate anyone: yup. usually do