Hilary profile picture


Are we obligated- maybe we are- to say yes to any choice when no one will be hurt?

About Me

"Those whom we would banish from society or from the human community itself often speak in too faint a voice to be heard above society's demand for punishment. It is the particular role of Courts to hear these voices, for the Constitution declares that the majoritarian chorus may not alone dictate the conditions of social life."- Justice Brennan.I think I may like the law after all.

My Interests

Learning to listen. The Salvation Army(merchandise, not politics). Other people. Growing up as gracefully as possible.

I'd like to meet:

Oh, I think you know who you are...


belongs to everyone now.


Everyone Says I Love you. But I'm a Cheerleader. Adaptation. I heart Huckabees. The Birdcage!


My new favorite is ROCK OF LOVE. Show me a person who doesn't appreciate that show, and I'll show you a person I don't want to go out for a drink with.


David Eggers. Oh my goodness, this is an obsession. And Doris Lessing. Hooray for Doris Lessing!


People with the capacity to communicate. Especially those with the capacity to communicate spontaneously (and no fair having six beers first).

My Blog

Next on the agenda!- I'M MOVING AGAIN

Ok anyone who might read this, I'm moving again at the beginning of August.  To San Francisco.  For law school.  Why?  I dunno.  Because I am not patient enough to be a happy ...
Posted by Hilary on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:52:00 PST

Getting sappy in my old age.

Lists like this are scary, because while they are topically optimistic, there is the unsettling knoweldge that such a list seems necessary.  This list seems necessary to me now.  .............
Posted by Hilary on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 05:17:00 PST

Off I Go!

Ok, so I'm leaving for Paris today. But if all goes well, I'll continue to be perpetually present on the internet. So what's the difference, really? I'll be back at Christmas. Bye bye.
Posted by Hilary on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 10:47:00 PST