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anthony & pia

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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ABOUT US: We are pretty laid back-- which really is a better way of saying we are LAZY. Lazy in a sense that after a long work week, we hang out at home and eat, sleep, sleep, and sleep.Our daughter Maia happens to be the spitting image of Pia. Maia loves to read, play video games, be on her Heely's and watching Naruto. She also loves to draw cartoons and caricatures. She can easily spend 3 hours at WaldenBooks, Borders or Barnes and Noble-- it's like her favorite place to be (go figure!) She talks like Pia, too. She's very smart and sometimes, too smart for her own good. Maia hates going out to like mall-ish kinda places, unless it's to the library or the pool or to her Lola's house, it'll take a whole lot of convincing (true story, folks).Oddly enough, we *LOVE* to travel, and we do! Simply because our job/work enables us(actually, more like forces us) to be where we need to be. And we're not complaining because we get to do side-trips before, between and after our TDY's (gotta love government per diem). PS: to civilians, TDY means Temporary Duty, which in layman's term means Business Trip/Work Travel.Oh, and Pia is NOT in the military, although at times, she feels as if she is. We also do our share of "RoadTrips." Our fave destinations are to, Tahoe, Monterey, San Diego, Disneyland and whereever else the gas tank takes us.In the summer time, we love swimming. Only because we can be our lazy selves, snoozing, while basking under the sun. We also love golf-carting. Driving up to the driving range and heading down to the putting greens and pretend that we actually know how to golf....(not!) Confession: We are not golf enthusiasts... although it's nice to think that especially since we live by the golf course.In the winter, we snowboard-- actually, the operative term, is we "TRY" and we're getting better! PS: Anthony is better than Pia, for unknown reasons. BUT-- Truth be told, Anthony accidentally almost killed Pia with his snowboard (hit her on the tailbone with the edge of Anthony's snowboard). It happened one snowy, powdery time (true story Circa 2006, Squaw Valley @ Tahoe). Pia, to date, is still plotting revenge.Maia is a ski-devil, speed-racer-child-lil'-person-kid. She never really liked snowboarding and we are not inclined to sway her otherwise. She does about a dozen more runs than we do down the hill. Gosh, does this mean we're getting old?On ocassion, Anthony and Pia (minus Maia) love hittin' the clubs in SF (eeerr, or maybe even downtown Songtan, lol) because it is an alternate to a cardio workout. Pia hates doing cardio, but does her share of it anyway. Anthony is a runner, hence the very sexy legs (ahem). So what better an alternate cardio work out than a night in a club with some booze and some Shake dat Monkey Music? Haha.Pia loves to cook for the family and Anthony will eat EVERYTHING. And by everything WE mean, everything on his plate, Pia's plate and Maia's plate. This keeps Pia, the fridge, garbage disposal and Anthony's tummy pretty darn happy. Pia *loves* this arrangement very much. :-)Also we are self-proclaimed "Foodies." We love us some "Pho" as in "What the Pho???" We love Pizza, the Chicago-stuffed and New York styles, and the corn snack "Boy, Bawang!" Our ultimate dinner date at home constitutes, steamed rice and hot wings (the Costco kind), perfect, finger-licking good. Show us the food...we will show you the appetite!Oh and how can I forget? We both love SHOES!!!! Here goes the shoe analogy.... "Anthony is to Jordans and Pia is to High Heels (and not so high heels, and the comfier kinds)There's more to share, but can't think anymore...Please stay tuned...
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My Interests

..Our life in itself is INTERESTING so we try to keep everything else simple.

I'd like to meet:

Anthony and Pia's old friends...lost cool people....


pretty much everything, except for country music (no pun intended).Check out my boi, Adonis of Explosive Inc. He throws the best parties in the SF party circuilt....


The Notebook :-)... The Break-up...The Usual Suspects, Any Quentin Tarantino OR Scorsese movie...Sin City, Pulp Fiction, hmmm that get my drift...


Law and Order SVU & CI,CSI, anything on Discovery, Food Network and HGTV On HBO: Entourage, The Sopranos, Oz...Grey's Anatomy, Prisonbreak...


Anthony doesn't read. Pia does... The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery and The Alchemist by Paulo Coello. Just recently read: 5 People You meet in Heaven; working on reading Tuesday's with Morrie and For One Day...


My husband, My Hero!...My wife, for keeping me grounded. Those who sacrifice their own preferences for those they love and care about....Others say you gotta love yourself first before you can love anyone else...True as this may be....(and maybe there's a thin line between being selfless and being stupid...what do I know...?)I still think being selfless is such an underrated human trait.

My Blog

Updates, low down, etc., etc.

And so the countdown begins to November 14th until Anferni is finally home. (Special thanks to Anferni's friend from tech school ,Eva-- who has initiated her own countdown on her myspace page, th...
Posted by anthony & pia on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:39:00 PST